10 August, has started accepting applications for the second competition for the provision of the Governor's start – UPS- grants in the form of subsidies to support entrepreneurial initiatives. Up to one million rubles from the regional budget will be able to not only entrepreneurs, but also self-employed northerners.
For the contest we are waiting for any projects in priority areas – activities in the social sphere, in the field of sports, recreation and entertainment, in agriculture, in the industrial sector, providing services and activities aimed at combating the pandemic coronavirus. Also qualify for a grant can those who implement developments in the field of scientific research.
An important condition – the need for co-financing of the project implementation plan in the amount of not less than 10% of the provided support.
In addition, the winners will have the right to receive preferential loans to 1 million roubles at 4% per annum and the possibility of co-financing of costs related to accounting, marketing and legal support of activities in the first year of the project.
The order of granting support is posted on the website of the Ministry of investment, entrepreneurship development and fisheries of the Murmansk region, on the portal of small and medium entrepreneurship of the Murmansk region in the section forms and types of support.
Application for participation in competition are accepted from 10 to 24 August in the regional innovation business incubator in the mail: g. Murmansk, ul Postnicova, 1 and the city of Apatity, Lenina St., 27, and e-mail grant@mribi.ru. When sending mail you must consider the time of delivery – the date of filing shall be the date of receipt of documents by the operator of the contest.
Detailed information about the terms of the Governor's startup can be obtained from the specialists of the Murmansk regional innovative business incubator by phone: 8 (8152) 43-29-49, 8 (815 55) 6-12-35, and e-mail grant@mribi.ru or on the official website of the institution.
Source: gov-murman.ru