Norilsk Nickel announced a tender interest-free loans for the implementation of business projects in the Pechenga district. The winners will receive a trust loan, the maximum amount which is 30 million rubles.
What directions shall be a business project:
- production and modern types of trade;
- the restoration of the ecological situation;
- tourism and hotel business.
The condition of the business project – the creation of 10 new jobs on the territory of the Pechenga district. Can apply not only to legal but to physical persons. In case of victory, commercial organisations and individual entrepreneurs must register and implement a business project in Pechenga district.
What you need to do to participate:
- go to the website nnstartup.ru;
- apply;
- consultation of experts;
- to conclude a contract.
Receiving applications will last till September 15 this year.
Read the regulations about the competition and the requirements for business projects, apply for participation to obtain more information on the Competition website nnstartup.ru.
Phone number from 10:00 to 19:00 across Moscow: 8 (812) 642-95-78.