As part of the implementation of the competition development standard in the Russian Federation regions, approved by the government decree No. 768-R of 17.04.2019, the competition policy Committee of the Murmansk region held a webinar on November 11, 2020 on the topic "Promoting competition in the markets of goods, works, and services of the Murmansk region".
The webinar was attended by employees responsible for implementing measures to promote competition in the territory of municipalities of the Murmansk region.
During the webinar, the following topics are considered::
- Federal and regional legal acts regulating the sphere of competition development;
- regional action plan (road map) to promote the development of competition in the Murmansk region;
- methodology for forming a rating of local governments on the level of promoting competition and providing conditions for a favorable investment climate.
The presentation material is available on the website of the competition policy Committee of the Murmansk region in the section: Direction of activity/ Development of competition/ Training activities on the promotion of competition.
Also, as part of the webinar, letters of gratitude From the Governor of the Murmansk region were presented to the leaders of the rating for promoting competition and ensuring conditions for a favorable investment climate among the municipalities of the Murmansk region at the end of 2019, which were: Monchegorsk with subordinate territory of the Pechenga district, BUT the city Insular.