Days of Entrepreneurship will be held in the Murmansk Region from April 13 to May 26. The program includes events dedicated to the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses in the Arctic, in particular in the innovation sphere.
“On the opening day, April 13, I will hold a meeting with innovators of the Murmansk region, with people who are implementing innovative projects. In addition, we will discuss a set of measures necessary for the growth of activity in the innovation sphere in our Arctic region, ”the governor said, opening an operational meeting in the regional government.
Within the framework of the Days of Entrepreneurship, for the first time in the region, a start-up tour of the Skolkovo Foundation will take place. The capital of the Arctic Circle was included in the list of nine cities participating in the annual event aimed at finding the best technological solutions and popularizing innovative entrepreneurship in the constituent entities of Russia. The program will be held online and will include four main parts: conference, competitive, educational and mentoring.
“The winner will receive a grant in the amount of 300 thousand rubles for the implementation of his idea and the opportunity to further promote projects on the site of the Skolkovo Foundation,” summed up Andrey Chibis.
In Murmansk, the start-up tour is scheduled for April 30. For more information, please contact the Murmansk Regional Innovation Business Incubator by phone 8 (8152) 43-29-49 or e-mail info@mribi.ru.
A detailed program of the Days of Entrepreneurship of the Murmansk Region is available on the official website of the regional ministry for the development of the Arctic and the economy.