The government of the Murmansk region approved the list of industries most affected in the deteriorating situation with the spread of novel coronavirus infection in the Murmansk region (decree of the Government of the Murmansk region from 15.04.2020 No. 217-PP).
Please note that each designated type of economic activity includes all subsequent drill down to the lower level of the classification division in accordance with the national classifier of types of economic activities OK 029-2014.
For example:
class 55 includes subclasses 55.1, 55.2, 55.3, 55.9; group 55.10, 55.20, 55.30, 55.90; subgroup 55.10.1, 55.20.1, 55.30.1, 55.90.1, etc. to the division into the sub-category;
- subgroup 49.39.3 includes types 49.39.31, 49.39.32, 49.39.33, 49.39.34, 49.39.35, 49.39.39, category,,,,,
The list of industries is attached in the link.
Image: gov-murman.ru