The acceptance of applications for competition for the provision of the Governor's project to support entrepreneurial initiatives.
The order granting this kind of support is posted on the website of the Ministry of investment, entrepreneurship development and fisheries of the Murmansk region, as well as on the portal of small and medium entrepreneurship of the Murmansk region in the section forms and types of support (http://maloe.gov-murman.ru/content/support_form/m,47,6872/).
In connection with the restriction of personal techniques and remote service applications for participation in the competition to send 15.04.2020 for 28.04.2020 in GOBU "Murmansk regional innovative business-incubator" at:
- Murmansk, St. Postnicova, 1;
- Apatity, Lenina St., 27;
- e-mail info@mribi.ru.
When sending mail you must consider the time of delivery, the filing date is defined as the date of receipt of documents by the operator of the contest.
Detailed information about the terms of the Governor's startup you can get from the experts GOBU "Murmansk regional innovative business incubator" phone: 8 (8152) 43-29-49,
8 (81555) 6-12-35, as well as by e-mail: info@mribi.ru or on the official website of the institution: http://mribi.ru/.