Today, on June 25, 2021, an agreement on cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Transport and Road Management of the Murmansk Region, the State Regional State Institution for the Management of Highways of the Murmansk Region and the Murmansk State Technical University.
Last academic year, MSTU began training in a new educational direction in the field of road construction. The introduction of a new and modern educational program was carried out with the participation of the Government of the Murmansk Region and the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). The agreement signed today will significantly expand the range of professional competencies of road builders, introducing an even greater number of practical classes into the educational process on the basis of road construction enterprises in the region.
"I am grateful to MSTU for its active participation in the life of the region, and to the industrial partners for their support of initiatives. The university is a place where ideas are generated, and they are implemented on the basis of industrial partners. The training of qualified personnel is important for the implementation of projects in the region that have no analogues in Russia, including in the field of road construction," said Yuri Fomin, Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region, who was present at the ceremony.
Artem Grishin, the Minister of Transport and Road Management of the Murmansk Region, thanked the University for new opportunities in terms of training qualified personnel. He also assured those present of the desire of the ministry headed by him, the regional government and the Murmanskavtodor to do everything possible to ensure that Murmansk schoolchildren choose MSTU for admission and work for the benefit of the Murmansk region.
"Our region is developing at a rapid pace: we are actively participating in the national project "Safe High – quality Roads", such major projects as the reconstruction of the highway to Teriberka are being implemented in the region, and this, of course, creates a great need for qualified personnel, " the minister stressed. "The traditions of the higher engineering school – MSTU-together with the methodological support of the main university of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the practical experience of personnel involved in the industry, will help to close the issue of the shortage of qualified personnel in the region and increase the interest of applicants in mastering this promising area of training."
Acting Rector of MSTU Svetlana Derkach noted that along with the correspondence form of education, which will be recruited for the last time this academic year for graduates of general education institutions and vocational training institutions, during the current admission campaign at MSTU, applicants are offered 15 budget places for full-time education in the direction of "Construction (Highways)".
"The trilateral agreement that we signed today is of great importance for the industry," said Vladislav Aliyev, head of the Murmansk Automobile Yard. – As practitioners, we understand that the fundamental education received by students at the Murmansk State Technical University must necessarily be supported by practical work at enterprises. We are already actively introducing classes using the equipment and road laboratories of Murmanskavtodor into the educational process, and in the future students will be able to undergo practical training on the basis of large contracting organizations."
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /