The Ministry of investment, entrepreneurship development and fisheries of the Murmansk region informs that on 8 June came into force the Federal law № 166-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation for the adoption of urgent measures aimed at ensuring sustainable economic development and mitigation of the spread of the new coronavirus infection".
This law established that in 2020, the period for voluntary payment in full of an administrative fine in respect of subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as managers and other employees of these legal entities is not more than 180 days from the date the decision on the imposition of an administrative fine into legal force, or from the date of expiry of the deferral period or leasing period for implementation of resolution on imposition of an administrative fine. Previously, the deadline for voluntary payment of the fine for this category of persons accounted for only 60 days.
The most common violations of land legislation are unauthorized occupation of land, the responsibility for which is stipulated by article 7.1 of the administrative code, and the use of land not for the intended purpose, responsibility for which is provided by part 1 of article 8.8 of the administrative code.
Not to become an offender, test yourself:
1. If you have in accordance with the legislation of legal documents on used land?
2. The actual usable area of the plot corresponds to the data specified in the legal documents?
3. Buildings and fencing are within the established boundaries of the land?
4. The actual use complies with the permitted use specified in the title documents?
In case you have any questions related to compliance with the requirements of land legislation, it is necessary to turn to the state inspectors on use and protection of lands of the Department of Rosreestr in the Murmansk region by phone 8 (8152) 44-10-94.
Source: mirp.gov-murman.ru