On 7 July between the government of the Murmansk region and ASI signed an agreement on cooperation in the sphere of development of industrial tourism in the region. The ceremony was held online. Signatures under the document was signed by Vice-Governor Dmitry Filippov and Deputy Director General of the Agency for strategic initiatives to promote new projects (ASI) Olga Zakharova.
By agreement of ASI is ready to provide methodological assistance in the organization of a new region direction, the document involves the creation of new regional and interregional routes, new production and examination of existing production tours on the territory of Murmansk region.
"A very interesting direction for us new, but we are an industrial area, we have something to show. I am sure that those techniques that the Agency has already developed, their experience will be useful to us, and we together, within the framework of this agreement will be able to implement the projects", – said Dmitry Filippov.
As noted Vice-the Governor, the agreement partner, in the future, when will the routes and their promotion will be a joint venture with tour operators. The list of pilot enterprises that have the potential to become a flagship development of the tourism industry in the Murmansk region formed a regional Committee for tourism. In this list are such companies as "PhosAgro" (the Kirov branch of JSC "Apatit"), Norilsk Nickel (MMC Kola), Kola NPP, "EuroChem" (Kovdor), "Alcon".
Source: gov-murman.ru