The Ministry of investment, entrepreneurship development and fisheries of the Murmansk region informs that in the framework of the priority measures of support of subjects of small and medium enterprises by the decree of the Government of the Murmansk region from 21.05.2020 No. 338-PP expanded list of the types of industries most affected in the deteriorating situation with the spread of novel coronavirus infection in the Murmansk region.
The list includes:
- Manufacture of other products of wood (NACE 16.29.1);
- Retail trade in non-stationary trading facilities and markets (NACE 47.8);
- Manufacture of locks, hinges (NACE 25.72);
- Manufacture of other metal products (NACE 25.99.2);
- Repair of metal products (NACE 33.11);
- The work of the schools of preparation of drivers of motor vehicles (NACE 85.42.1);
- Publishing activities (NACE 58);
- Auxiliary activities related to air and space transport (NACE 52.23);
- Activities of other land passenger transport (NACE 49.3);
- Manufacture of handicraft goods (NACE 32.99.8);
- Implementation activities for trade through automatic machines (NACE 47.99.2).
Updating and revision of the List is carried out systematically based on the analysis of the economic, sanitary and epidemiological status of the region and the requests received from entrepreneurs.
Source: mirp.gov-murman.ru