The priority development areas "Capital of the Arctic" was officially registered in the Federal targeted system. It is located in the rural settlement of the area between the Kola district of the Murmansk region.
Check within the boundaries of the TOR – obligatory condition for obtaining resident status. Projects, anchor residents located within the boundaries of the plots. Investors have already begun the procedure of re-registration of legal entities at the new address.
The decree of the Russian government about the creation of the first THOR in the Arctic region signed on 12 may. It is planned that TOR the "Capital of the Arctic" will create at least a thousand new jobs. The total investment will reach more than 125 billion rubles, total revenues to the regional budget until 2035 – 42.2 billion rubles.
To date, the top includes four anchor investor: OOO "NOVATEK-Murmansk", LLC "commercial Sea port "Lavna", LLC "Sea terminal Tuloma" and JSC "Corporation of development of Murmansk region". The regional government now conducts active work on expansion of the list of investors.
For residents of TOR applies a set of tax preferences. Thus, the reduced total size of insurance contributions from 30% to 7.6% for 10 years, zeroed out the Federal income tax for 5 years, the regional part reduced to 5% in the first 5 years next 5 years – up to 10% also for 3 years cleared the land tax for 5 years – property tax. In addition, residents are granted tax benefits: the provision of land leased without bidding, to conduct scheduled inspections reduced to 15 days, but unscheduled – up to 5 days, has a special procedure for town-planning regulations and others.
Source: gov-murman.ru