The acceptance of applications for the second competitive selection of grants for the purchase of a franchise has started

The acceptance of applications for the second competitive selection of grants for the purchase of a franchise has started

On September 16, applications for a grant competition for entrepreneurs in the region for the purchase of a franchise began to be accepted.   

The subsidy is provided on condition of co-financing of at least 20% of the project implementation costs according to the submitted business project and may not exceed 1 million rubles.

Registered individual entrepreneurs and legal entities operating in the Murmansk Region can participate.  

The grant funds can be spent on:

payment of a lump sum fee;
lease of non-residential premises necessary for the implementation of the project for the first year of the project (no more than 15% of the subsidy amount);
advertising and promotion of the project, including the creation of an Internet site;
acquisition of fixed assets provided for in the franchise agreement;
repair and construction and installation works under contracts, the implementation of which is necessary for conducting business activities at the place of implementation of the project (with a preliminary calculation-estimate).
Applications are accepted until 10/15/2024 (inclusive) by e-mail .

The procedure for providing support can be found on the MRIBI website in the section "State support for SMEs".

Detailed information about the conditions of the competition can be obtained from the specialists of the Murmansk Regional Innovative Business Incubator by phone: 8 (81555) 6-12-35, 8 (81555) 6-11-16, 8 (8152) 43-29-49, (8152) 43-59-30, and also by e-mail: or on the official website of the institution.

We remind you that a wide range of measures to support entrepreneurship is being implemented in the region, including within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative".

/ Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region /