A delegation of the Murmansk Region headed by Governor Andrey Chibis will take part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The delegation also includes Vice-governors Olga Kuznetsova and Elena Diaghileva, Head of the Regional Development Corporation Artem Kuksa.
SPIEF-2023 will be held from June 14 to 17 in St. Petersburg. The main theme this year is "Sovereign development is the foundation of a just world. Let's join forces for the sake of future generations."
The business program is devoted to topical issues of the global and Russian social and economic agenda, new trends in emerging markets. In addition, an exhibition has been organized within the framework of the forum, where technologies of Russian and foreign companies and innovative projects are presented. A number of events attended by the delegation of the Murmansk region will be held at the stand of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic "Arctic – the territory of dialogue".
On the first day of the forum, June 14, Governor Andrey Chibis will participate in the panel session "New Opportunities for Arctic Cities". Representatives of federal ministries and departments, official representatives of Russian regions, heads of companies will join the discussion.
On June 15, Andrey Chibis will take part in the session "The Northern Sea Route: New Challenges" as part of the track "The World economy in the era of a global turning point". Among the speakers are Alexey Chekunkov, Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, Alexander Kozlov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Igor Levitin, Assistant to the President and Secretary of the State Council of the Russian Federation, heads of large Russian companies. As part of the work of the stand "Arctic – the territory of dialogue", Governor Andrey Chibis will speak at the session "Northern Sea Let. Results and plans".
Also on the second day, the head of the Murmansk Region will become a speaker at a joint meeting of the commissions of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the areas of "Economics and Finance" and "Energy" on the issue of the factors of advanced growth of the Russian economy. Among the participants of the event are the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District Igor Shchegolev, Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use Evgeny Petrov, Assistant to the President and Secretary of the State Council of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin, heads of regions.
On the third day of the forum, June 16, Andrey Chibis will participate in the plenary session, at which the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will speak.
In addition to the main business program, the head of the region will hold a number of working meetings and sign agreements with large companies, organizations, subjects of the Federation.
Thus, documents on cooperation of the Murmansk Region with PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Lukoil, VEB will be signed.The Russian Federation, the National Transport Company, JSC "Arctic Lithium" and LLC "Polar Lithium", ANO "Russia – the land of opportunities", the Association of Film and Television Producers, and others.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /