The second Arctic – Regions Forum was held in Arkhangelsk, organized with the support of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic.
Olga Vovk, Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region, took part in the business session "How to live comfortably in the Arctic Circle: best practices for master plans" and the round table "Opportunities of the Muravyov-Amursky 2030 program for the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation".
"Let me remind you that Governor Andrey Chibis proposed to introduce the concept of "supporting Arctic cities" in May 2023 at a meeting of the Arctic development working group. On behalf of the President, following a visit to the region in July 2023, the Government of the Russian Federation identified 16 stronghold settlements in the Arctic. The work on the preparation of master plans was carried out as soon as possible – within a year. The President has already approved master plans for three agglomerations of the Murmansk region. These plans include large–scale infrastructure projects, housing construction, modernization of healthcare, education and housing and communal services," Olga Vovk noted.
In addition, Artem Kuksa, General Director of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation, spoke at the business session "Arctic Cities. The role of development institutions". The participants of the business session learned about a set of measures to support investors in the Murmansk region, including administrative assistance, preferential regimes, and tax incentives. Artyom Kuksa noted that the Murmansk Region Development Corporation is actively working to attract investments and support investment projects, using both its own tools and regional and federal support measures.
"We provide support to investors at any stage of the project implementation. Investors turn to us to structure the project, select a land plot, select support measures, draw up a business plan and a financial model. A regional PPP center has been established on the basis of the Corporation, and four industry working groups are constantly working. Deadlines have been set for each stage of project consideration, each project is being worked out in detail within the framework of the working group to make a decision on the implementation of the project using public-private partnership mechanisms," said Artem Kuksa.
Recall that today in the Murmansk region, concession agreements have been concluded for the construction of a prefabricated swimming pool, a FOKA and an aquapark in Murmansk. Several more projects are under development, among them the sports clubs "My Station" in Murmansk and Apatity, for which the region, with the participation of the Corporation, received federal co-financing of almost 60 million rubles.