The first career forum "Development of the Arctic" was held in Murmansk with the support of the government of the Murmansk region. New professions in logistics". Leading heads of industrial companies of the region, specialized educational institutions, as well as 150 school graduates and students met at the event site in the Azimut Business Center.
"The development of the Arctic. New Professions in Logistics" is a career forum aimed at creating and maintaining a dialogue between leading companies in the region and future specialists. The event was supported by the general partner – the Arctic Initiatives Center, the Association of Polar Explorers (ASPOL), the Meeting of Generations project, and the Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic. The forum was attended by specialists from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk Region and the Murmansk Region Development Corporation.
The forum is designed to draw attention to secondary vocational education in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as to interest potential employers and students, solving one of the priority tasks for the development and formation of human resources. The organizer was Gazpromneft-Supply.The eventful program included discussions on current topics on career prospects and opportunities, an analysis of targeted training programs for the coming years, lectures from business experts, as well as a fair of employers and educational institutions. The main event was a business game that allowed you to plunge into the world of Arctic logistics and undergo interactive career guidance testing.
Today, the Murmansk Region is one of the most dynamically developing Arctic regions. Large-scale investment projects aimed at the development of the Northern Sea Route, transport logistics, mining, construction, projects to create a high-quality urban environment and new recreation areas for Northerners are being implemented here. And in the next ten years, with the support of the government, more than three hundred investment projects are planned to be launched in the Kola Arctic, which will create tens of thousands of new jobs.
"Indeed, all investment projects are different. As a result, some of them will require several new employees, and there are projects of large companies for which hundreds of highly qualified specialists will be looking for work. And we hope that due to the diversity of employers, each of you guys will be able to find a reason for yourself to stay in the region and make your efforts to develop it," said Semyon Kalmykov, Director of the Investment Development Department of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation.
"The forum "New Professions in Logistics" is an opportunity for college students and high school students to learn about current programs, choose a suitable profession and ask questions to employers. As a business, we see the need to invest in this area and invest all the accumulated experience and competencies of our specialists in the development of an educational system for personnel training," said Evgeny Bragar, General Director of Gazpromneft–Supply.
/ Murmansk Region Development Corporation /