Governor Andrey Chibis held a working meeting with Consul General of the People's Republic of China in St. Petersburg, Ms. Wang Wenli. The parties discussed the most important areas for the development of cooperation.
"Taking into account the work that is underway and the rapprochement of our countries, a whole set of unique opportunities is open to us. Thank you for this visit and meeting. The range of common interests is very wide. The strategic direction and global task is to work on the realization of the transit potential of the Northern Sea Route. The leaders of our countries have agreed to create a joint working body for its development. Murmansk is the base port for this transport artery, we are actively building a logistics hub, and of course these are broad prospects for cargo transshipment and joint implementation of projects on our territory," the head of the region stressed.
The governor also noted the close trade relations with Chinese partners and the emergence of new markets.
"China is one of the main foreign trade partners of the Murmansk region. By the end of 2022, it ranks 4th among the region's trading partner countries. Over the past 4 years, exports have grown 2.4 times, and this dynamic continues. New Chinese markets are opening up for our companies, including crab producers. Major international players – producers of iron ore concentrate, nickel, fish and seafood - form the basis of exports. Floating structures, chemical products, textile materials for technical purposes, metals, equipment, electrical machines and tools are imported," commented Andrey Chibis.
Ms. Wang Wenli also stressed that the cooperation has solid foundations and global prospects.
"Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin outlined the expansion of cooperation in various fields. These are trade and economic development, science and technology, education and culture, tourism, information technology. Murmansk region is a unique region from the point of view of geography, with convenient access to the sea, there is a non–freezing port and a dynamically developing transport hub. The region produces high-quality fish products, seafood. Already now the Chinese consumer has appreciated the Murmansk crab, it is very popular. In addition, the municipalities of the Murmansk Region and our provinces also have great prospects for cooperation. We will work to strengthen relations," the Consul General commented.
Cooperation in technological issues is among the strategically important ones: The governor noted that the largest metallurgical and mining companies of the Murmansk region are increasing cooperation with Chinese partners in terms of equipment for industrial projects and service.
"There is also great interest in joint educational and scientific activities, exchange of students. So that young specialists increase their knowledge, debug communications, strengthening the future partnership of our regions. Moreover, the guys who study with us are focused on working on projects for the development of the Arctic zone, obtaining appropriate competencies," the head of the region stressed.
Speaking about tourism, the governor recalled that before the pandemic, the flow of visitors from China to the region was traditionally high, and now the indicators are returning.
"We expect that, taking into account the lifting of restrictions, cooperation in this part will grow. It is necessary to exclude the illegal service sector, together we will discuss opportunities so that guests from China can see not only the Northern lights, but also evaluate other interesting offers of our tour operators, active recreation," the governor said.
The close twinning ties of Murmansk and Harbin were also noted: the cities have been actively interacting and exchanging experience since 2016.
"In addition to Murmansk, other municipalities of our region are interested in such work, taking into account industry specifics," the governor commented.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /