The second meeting of the working group on Arctic development of the State Council of the Russian Federation under the leadership of the Governor of the Murmansk Region Andrey Chibis took place today in Moscow, at the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic. The most important issue on the agenda is the development of cities and the creation of related infrastructure to improve the quality of life of people.
"Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment". It is actively developing today. It is obvious that the volume of investments and approaches to the development of the Arctic regions, taking into account the difficult climate, require a more attentive attitude. A useful and correct experience was implemented by the state in the Far East, when the necessary decisions were made and additional investments were directed through a clear action plan for the "support cities"," the head of the region said.
The "anchor cities" should include economic centers, which now and for decades to come will serve as development in the Arctic zone and the whole country.
"This approach should be applied in the Arctic. This issue will be worked out in detail. I propose to discuss a set of measures, including taking into account the presidential "Single Subsidy" for the Arctic zone, and as a result agree on decisions that we will submit to the State Commission for the Development of the Arctic under the leadership of Yuri Trutnev," the governor stressed, noting that this decision has already been supported by the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Alexey Chekunkov.
Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Self–government and Northern Affairs Andrey Shevchenko noted that the creation of comfortable living conditions is an important factor in attracting people to the Arctic.
"For this, Arctic cities and towns should become modern and convenient. Their development should be carried out on a planned, systematic basis. The State Commission for the Development of the Arctic conducted a study of Arctic settlements with a population of more than 500 people according to 57 criteria, including the placement of medical and educational organizations, logistics infrastructure. I think that this work needs to be continued. In our opinion, an effective tool for the development of Arctic cities can be the development of master plans for them based on socio-economic and spatial analysis of the territory, with systematic work with the population and the business community. Currently, on behalf of the President of Russia, master plans are being developed for the cities of the Far East, consider that this practice should be extended to Arctic cities and towns," said Andrey Shevchenko.
The head of the region Andrey Chibis expressed gratitude for the systematic work of the group, as well as the support of Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the State Commission for the Arctic Yuri Trutnev. Recall that the first meeting of the working group on the development of the Arctic of the State Council of the Russian Federation took place on February 17 at the site of the Center for the Construction of large-capacity offshore structures of NOVATEK-Murmansk in the village of Belokamenka.
"We are getting closer to solving the issue of introducing Arctic mortgages, as well as increasing federal funding. So, funds in the amount of 300 million rubles will be allocated for the program for the renovation of the BUT in the Murmansk region. At the first meeting of the working group, we agreed that we would submit the topics and specific proposals necessary for discussion to the State Commission, including for making financial decisions," Andrei Chibis said.
For reference:
The Working Group on ensuring transport, logistics and socio-economic development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation under the Commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation was established on behalf of the President of Russia in 2022, it included all the heads of the regions of the Arctic zone, the chairman is the Governor of the Murmansk region. Its goal is to develop the Russian Arctic and improve the quality of life of people living and working in the territory of the Russian Arctic. At the second meeting of the working group on Arctic development of the State Council of the Russian Federation, Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic Alexey Chekunkov, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Self-Government and Northern Affairs Andrey Shevchenko, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov and others spoke.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /