The guys from the Center for Civic and Patriotic Education "Live in the North!" learned about the investment potential of the region

The guys from the Center for Civic and Patriotic Education Live in the North! learned about the investment potential of the region

40 schoolchildren from Apatity, Polar Dawns, Monchegorsk, Kirovsk, Lovozero vacationers at the center for civic and patriotic education "In the North – to live!" took part in a lesson dedicated to the investment potential of the region.  
Employees of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation told the children what is attractive about the Murmansk region, why more and more young specialists and tourists come to the Arctic, what projects companies are implementing: from large industrial to socially significant facilities. Also, in the quiz format, the children learned about promising industries that are developing in the region. 
Recall that since November 2023, the Development Corporation has been conducting excursions for organized groups. You can familiarize yourself with the rules and apply for a visit to the Development Corporation through the Investment Portal (section "Schoolchildren and students") follow the link.


/ Murmansk Region Development Corporation /