On October 23, at an operational meeting in the government of the region, the results of the activities of investment officers in the municipalities of the Murmansk Region for the nine months of 2023 were summed up. According to the regional Development Corporation, this year the assistance to investors and entrepreneurs in the implementation of investment projects was most actively supported by the investment authorities of the cities of Apatity, Kola district and BUT Alexandrovsk.
Artem Kuksa, General Director of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation, noted that the main goal of the investment officers is to promote the implementation of investment projects and help solve the problems of entrepreneurs without delay.
"Most of the investment officers for the incomplete year 2023 showed systematic work in terms of informing entrepreneurs about competitions, grants, business events. During consultations, they explain information about government support measures to entrepreneurs. This year, meetings of investment officers have been held on a regular basis in almost all municipalities," said Artem Kuksa.
A total of 185 personal meetings were held, which were attended by almost 800 entrepreneurs, 90% of the issues have already been resolved.
Listing investment projects that are being implemented with the assistance of investment commissioners, the head of the Development Corporation paid special attention to assistance in preparing for the conclusion of new concession agreements. Together with the investor and with the help of the government, it is planned to update the heat supply system in Drovyanoye and the village of the 25th kilometer near Monchegorsk.
"Now the Development Corporation, the Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services, with the assistance of investment authorities, are in the final stage of preparing a concession agreement. The implementation of the project will make it possible to abandon the old inefficient boiler houses in two settlements where about a thousand northerners live. The total volume of investments will exceed one hundred million rubles, part of these funds is planned to be attracted from the federal budget. Thanks to the work carried out together with the investment authorities of Murmansk and Monchegorsk, the investor was assigned a schedule of activities within the initial stage of the project implementation," said the General Director of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation.
Recall that 26 investment officers work in the authorities and municipalities of the Murmansk region. Their names and communication methods can be found on the Investment Portal.
/ Murmansk Region Development Corporation /