Participants of the second Forum of Regions of Russia "Development of tourism infrastructure" in Moscow were told about the specifics of the implementation of tourism projects in the Murmansk region under preferential regimes.
The Forum of the Regions of Russia "Development of Tourism Infrastructure" was held within the framework of the international exhibition of the hospitality industry "PIR Expo – 2022" from October 17 to 19 and gathered about 700 participants from 57 regions of the country. The event brought together entrepreneurs engaged in the tourism industry, representatives of specialized associations, authorities of various levels, industry experts interested in developing concrete proposals to stimulate investment in tourism and the hospitality industry, increase the effectiveness of government support measures and create new incentives for the development of the industry.
The Murmansk Region was represented at the forum by a regional team consisting of representatives of government authorities and support institutions, as well as entrepreneurs from the tourism sector. Special approaches to the implementation of tourism projects in the territories with preferential regimes were discussed by the participants of the specialized session, where the experience of the Murmansk region in working with investors was presented. Artem Kuksa, First Deputy Director General of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation, took part in the discussion.
“To date, all the necessary tools for the development of tourist infrastructure in the Murmansk region are available. This is the only territory of advanced development with preferences of the Far East in the Arctic called the “Capital of the Arctic”, as well as the well-known federal package of Arctic benefits. To date, the AZRF regime provides investors with one of the widest sets of benefits available in Russia,” Artem Kuksa stressed in his speech.
He also noted that the AZRF regime includes not only a variety of tax benefits, but also provides simplified land acquisition, which is especially appreciated by investors.
Colleagues from the Republic of Tatarstan, Sakhalin and Altai Krai, Kemerovo Region and Norilsk also shared their experience in implementing tourism projects in the territories with prefremes.
Within a few days of the forum, the Murmansk Region team presented the main advantages of the Murmansk region in the field of tourism. Special attention was paid to the presentation of the investment potential of the Arctic. The participants of the event could get acquainted with the available support measures in the form of the Arctic Investment Menu. Also at the stand of the Murmansk region, visitors could learn more about promising investment projects of the Murmansk region in the field of tourism, which are planned to be implemented together with private investors.