A resident of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation provides sanatorium and hotel services to tourists coming to Apatity (Murmansk region). As part of the investment project, the Kristall company built a complex of modular eco-houses on the territory of the existing hospitality facility, repaired the existing room stock and updated medical and technical equipment. According to the agreement with the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic (KRDV), 95 million rubles have been invested in the implementation of the project. The investor took advantage of tax benefits, consulting services, and also issued a land plot for rent without bidding.
Not far from Apatity are the Khibiny Mountains, where lovers of hiking and skiing can explore trails, descents and ascents, regardless of the season. The complex, located next to the Bolshoy Vudyavr ski resort, is designed to receive 3 thousand guests per year.
"We have built modern eco-houses that can accommodate 14 people at a time, and have created the most comfortable living conditions. We have carried out landscaping of the adjacent territory and created an open-air art park of contemporary art, where various art objects, including sculptures, are presented," said Olga Kharitonova, Director of Kristall LLC.
The hotel-sanatorium "Izovela" is a center of medical tourism and provides services for spa treatment, offering a wide range of therapeutic and wellness procedures, including its own unique programs of rapid recovery.
According to the AZRF resident, this project is supervised by the Center for Contemporary Art "Radiance", created in Apatity in 2020 by Andrey Malakhov, a TV journalist, producer, actor, philanthropist and collector of contemporary art. The Center develops a program of art residencies for artists, educational and research areas. The project "Made in Apatity" has been launched on the territory of the Izovela hotel-sanatorium, designed to support urban craftsmen and artisans in promoting and implementing creative works.
For the guests of the Izovela hotel-sanatorium, the Center regularly opens permanent and temporary exhibitions of works by contemporary Russian and foreign artists, conducts creative classes and meetings with interesting people. The exhibition space presents works by artists from the collection of Andrei Malakhov, who have earned worldwide recognition.
"There are always people who love and know art, including modern art, and those who are interested in it. All of them are our clients," Olga Kharitonova said.
In winter, an art skating rink with an entertainment program for adults and children works on the territory of the hotel, and in summer I plan to hold musical and educational events in the park.
Vladimir Gudkov, Deputy Director of the Department of Support for the Implementation of investment Projects of the KRDV, emphasizes that the AZRF regime allows businesses to enjoy significant tax benefits and administrative preferences.
"Due to the status of a resident of the Arctic zone, the company was granted a land plot for rent, which allowed us to start expanding the number of rooms in a timely manner. A significant measure of support for investors who create new jobs is the payment of part of the costs of calculated insurance premiums at the expense of subsidies. The final burden on insurance premiums for large businesses is 7.5% and 3.25% for small and medium-sized businesses. This benefit allows residents of the Russian Arctic to offer employees higher wages and provide other incentives to attract qualified personnel," Vladimir Gudkov said.
According to the KRDV, to date, the number of residents of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation has exceeded 600. Investors have invested 80.5 billion rubles in the implementation of projects and created 6.7 thousand jobs.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region according to the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic /
Photo – Artem Smirnov.