The design documentation and the results of engineering surveys for the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant of PJSC TGC-1 on the Paz River with a capacity of 16.5 MW in the Murmansk Region received a positive conclusion from the FAA Glavgosexpretiza of Russia. The developed technical solutions for the construction of small hydroelectric power plants are recognized as meeting the requirements of the current technical regulations, including environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements, industrial safety requirements, regulatory and technical documentation and the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation.
Design and survey work on the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant was carried out by JSC "VNIIG named after B.E. Vedeneev". Based on the results of the work, the site of the future construction was surveyed, the optimal placement of objects, the composition and layout of the equipment of the new power plant were determined.
When developing the project, information modeling tools were used and modern technical solutions were applied in the field of construction of hydraulic structures and automation of the facility.
The small HPP will be equipped with the main and auxiliary equipment of Russian production.
The construction of the facility will make it possible to effectively use the existing water-energy regime of the Paz River, increase the reliability and quality of energy supply, and provide additional capacity for the development of the economy of the Murmansk region.
PJSC TGC-1 (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is a leading producer and supplier of electric and thermal energy in the North—Western region of Russia. TGC-1 unites 52 power plants in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation — St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk regions.
TGC-1 Press Service
Photo: TGC-1