The implementation of the strategic plan "To Live in the North" in 2022 included 5 main blocks aimed at developing tourist infrastructure, promoting new tourist products, improving the quality of services, popularizing tourist programs, developing tourist and recreational clusters and increasing tourist flow to the region.
As part of the implementation of the national project "Tourism and the hospitality industry" in 2022, funding in the amount of 246.6 million rubles was allocated for the implementation of the regional project "Development of tourism infrastructure".
As a result of the competitive selection, 7 initiatives were supported to create modular non-capital accommodation facilities for a total amount of 100 million rubles.
38 business entities received financial support in the form of subsidies for a total amount of 131.1 million rubles. These are projects for the creation of campsites and car camps, the purchase of tour equipment, the development of new tourist routes, as well as the arrangement of beaches on sea coasts and freshwater reservoirs.
Support was provided to three subjects of the tourism industry with projects of year-round operation of swimming pools in Monchegorsk and Apatity for a total amount of 15.5 million rubles.
In terms of the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Murmansk region, 5 entrepreneurs received support from the regional budget for a total of 4 million rubles.
50 million rubles were received by 10 entrepreneurs with the initiative of a roadside service with a multifunctional platform.
In addition, last year the regional tourism committee conducted regional accreditation of guides (guides), guides-interpreters. According to the results of the work, 28 people were accredited and 13 were certified.
To popularize and stimulate travel in the native land, a regional cashback program was launched in December 2022, which makes travel in the region more accessible for socially unprotected citizens.
/ Murmansk Region Tourism Committee /