The first resident, was in the top "Capital of the Arctic" in Murmansk region, was JSC "NOVATEK".
27 may in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev, Minister of development of the Far East and the Arctic Alexander Kozlov, the Chairman of the Board of PJSC "NOVATEK" Leonid Michelson and the Governor of the Murmansk region Andrei Lapwing, the agreement on carrying out activities in the territory TOR the "Capital of the Arctic" was signed by General Director of JSC "Corporation of development of the Far East" Dmitry Tatarkin and General Director of OOO "NOVATEK-Murmansk" Petr Oborin.
"Setting up a new investment policy in the Arctic region lasts for more than a year and has done a lot of normative work. A necessity for any preferential treatment is confirmed when the investor is ready to use it, so to say, "vote ruble". In the far East we have created preferential policies annually confirmed by the high demand from the investor. At the moment THOR in the far East are already implementing their projects 438 resident on 3 trillion roubles, which has already invested 730 million rubles from 75 thousand applications jobs already created 27 thousand. Today is the first investor who selects Arctic THOR and confirms the relevance of the preferential regime in the Arctic, becoming OOO "NOVATEK-Murmansk", – said in his opening remarks Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev.
At the end of his speech, he appealed to the Chairman of the Board of PJSC "NOVATEK" Leonid Michelson and wished success in implementation of the project.
"NOVATEK-Murmansk" is the anchor investor and first resident of our new THOR in the Arctic. It is important to note that we are already working closely with PJSC "NOVATEK" to the project of creating a sea reloading complex of LNG (20 million tons per year) on the TOR "Kamchatka" in the Bay of the Bichevinka. And created in the new project Center is designed for the manufacture of marine systems, which in turn will ensure the production, storage and offloading of LNG directly from the terminal to a tanker for transportation of LNG through the Northern sea route to the destination. Thus, this investment project is launching a chain of new activities and, consequently, added value. The first resident TOR the "Capital of the Arctic" will create a modern technical base of LNG technologies in Russia, creation of new jobs in engineering and production, as well as contribute to the economic development of the region. I'm really glad to be present today at this event. This is the solution, the trigger, which abruptly changed the entire Arctic agenda. Today we are all together from this point begin a long and, I am sure, absolutely the right way. The path of development of the Arctic zone of our country," said Minister for development of the Far East and the Arctic region Alexander Kozlov.
"NOVATEK-Murmansk" implements one of the largest investment projects in the Murmansk region Centre of the construction of large marine structures (CSMS), which is already under construction lines of the liquefaction of natural gas for the next project "NOVATEK" – "Arctic LNG 2". The project will be the largest in Russia the production of LNG based on an innovative building concept with the use of gravity base structures (GBS), which will be made on CSMS and will then be transported by sea to the Gulf of Ob to the installation on the terminal the Morning, near the Morning field. Center construction of large marine structures designed to provide OGT casting of concrete, the Assembly and installation of the modules of the topsides. It will include two dry docks for the construction of the CGBS and facilities for the manufacture of modules of the topsides. In addition, the construction of berthing front length 683 meters, consisting of four berths and auxiliary facilities.
"The resident will receive the benefits of tax on profit of 5% in the first 5 years and 12% in the next 5 years, as well as a benefit on insurance premiums. The implementation of this project in the Arctic zone of Russia will contribute to the development of the region's productive potential and to strengthen export positions of our country", – said General Director of Corporation of development of the Far East Dmitry Tatarkin.
"For the Murmansk region territory of priority development with a symbolic and important to us the name "Capital of the Arctic", of course, a radical boost to the region's economic development. For us it is crucial that existing our partner NOVATEK became the first resident of her. Preferences and benefits offered by this mode will increase the volume of investments in realization of projects on the territory of Murmansk region and, as a result, create new, high-paying, tech jobs. To do this, we're building a system of higher and secondary special education, which will train personnel for Arctic economy. And thanks to social partnership and the agreements that we have with NOVATEK, will receive resources for development of social sphere", – said the Governor of the Murmansk region Andrey Chibis.
Source: gov-murman.ru