The Russian government launched a program involving the provision of subsidies to small and medium businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations to conduct activities for the prevention of coronavirus infection. Need to August 15, 2020 (inclusive) to send the statement to the tax authority at the place of residence by mail, on the website of the Federal tax service of Russia or through a personal account of a taxpayer (legal entity or individual entrepreneur).
The subsidy will be able to non-profit organizations operating in the field of education, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, included in the unified list classified ski slopes, beaches and hotels (number of rooms not exceeding 100 rooms), or carrying out activities in the following areas (support is available only on the main all-Russian classifier of economic activities): in the field of sport, hospitality, catering, consumer services, further education.
The detailed terms and conditions can be found on the website of the FTS of Russia.
Recall that according to the preventive recommendations, catering establishments, hotels and sports organizations can resume work on the third stage of the removal of restrictions on the corresponding decision of the head of the region.
The companies are obliged to carry out certain activities:
- take the temperature of visitors and staff;
- to ensure social distancing (1.5–2 m);
- to provide employees with personal protective equipment;
- to provide visitors with antiseptics.
This requires additional costs for Russian businessmen with the resumption of activities.
The subsidy amount will be calculated by the following formula:
- The company will receive the fixed payout is 15 thousand rubles., and by 6.5 thousand rubles for each employee (as of may 2020).
- Individual entrepreneurs will receive 6.5 thousand rubles for each employee (according to data for may 2020) and 15 thousand rubles for the SP.
- Sole proprietors without employees will receive 15 thousand rubles for the entrepreneur.
Sources: mirp.gov-murman.ru