With the support of the regional government, the Murmansk Region Development Corporation conducted a career guidance tour for high school students and students at the site of the Kola wind farm, located near the village of Teriberka. The event is held within the framework of the Days of Entrepreneurship of the Murmansk region in order to motivate young people to stay to study and work in the North, as well as to choose professions that are in demand in investment projects and in promising sectors of the economy.
As part of the career guidance tour, employees of the Kola wind farm of PJSC EL5-Energo, the largest polar wind farm in the world, conducted an excursion for fifty guys who are just planning their professional path. Among them: high school students and students of colleges and higher educational institutions, including students of Murmansk Arctic University, Murmansk College of Economics and Information Technology, Murmansk Industrial College, as well as Murmansk Construction College named after N.E. Momot.
The Kola WPP is one of the landmark projects in the field of green energy not only in the Murmansk region, but also nationwide. It is the largest wind farm in the world beyond the Arctic Circle, consisting of 57 wind turbines. The plant is capable of generating up to 750 million kWh of electricity per year. During the tour, the children learned how the world's largest polar wind farm was built and what specialties are in demand at the station. Employees with higher and secondary specialized technical education work mainly at the Kola wind power plant: engineers and specialists in maintenance and repair of wind turbines, engineers in operation, labor protection and industrial safety.
"The futuristic view of the wind farm combined with the unique nature of the Kola Peninsula attracts the interest of both tourists and residents of the region. Our company is fully aware of the importance of a systematic approach to personnel training for enterprises in the energy sector, and such excursions give the children the opportunity to feel the working atmosphere. After all, first of all, the Kola WPP is the largest green energy facility in the Arctic Circle and serves as a source of pride for the region and its residents," said Alexander Panov, General Director of Kola WPP LLC.
The government team has been involved in the support of the Kola WPP project since 2017. In 2021, by the decision of Governor Andrey Chibis, the investment project was awarded the status of a strategic one. 3.5 years have passed since the laying of the first stone until full commissioning in 2023. During the trip, representatives of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation spoke in more detail about how the implementation of large-scale investment projects has a positive impact on life in the region.
"The participants of our career guidance tour are among the first to visit the territory of the largest polar wind farm in the world, as this area is usually closed to visitors. This is a very inspiring experience that helps to show that today the Murmansk region is a region where you can realize yourself in a variety of ways. Thanks to the launch of large-scale investment projects in the Murmansk region, new interesting jobs are emerging, where our guys are waiting. Therefore, we try to hold regular meetings with schoolchildren and tell them what interesting things are happening in the region and where they can be useful in the future," said Daria Monastyreva, Deputy General Director of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation.
Thanks to the systematic work on the transformation of secondary and higher education in the Murmansk region, today graduates have to leave for other regions less and less often to study in popular specialties, according to the regional Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk region. Graduates of Murmansk Arctic State University and Murmansk State Technical University (today it is a single Murmansk Arctic University) work among the employees of EL5-Energo specialties such as "Power supply", "Marine power plants" and "Operation of marine electrical equipment and automation equipment" of the Polytechnic and Ship Mechanical Faculties.
This is the second career guidance tour for schoolchildren and students organized by the Murmansk Region Development Corporation. In 2023, the guys visited the industrial sites for the implementation of projects by residents of the TOP "Capital of the Arctic" aimed at the development of the Northern Sea Route.
/ Murmansk Region Development Corporation /