A partnership agreement has been signed between Aeroplane Group and Lavna Shopping Center with colleges in the Murmansk Region

A partnership agreement has been signed between Aeroplane Group and Lavna Shopping Center with colleges in the Murmansk Region

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk region signed partnership agreements within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism".

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk region signed partnership agreements within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism".

Diana Kuznetsova, Minister of Education and Science, Alexey Grachikov, Minister of Construction, Alexander Prygunkov, Managing Partner of the Airplane Group, Deputy General Director for Construction, LLC, signed the document confirming the intentions to create and develop two educational production centers, comprehensive cooperation and joint implementation of a large-scale program in the Murmansk Region in the field of shipbuilding and construction "Lavna Commercial Seaport" Vladimir Malanin and the heads of colleges.

"By the end of 2025, including through individual housing construction, we plan to put into operation at least 54 thousand square meters. m of housing. Agreements were also signed at SPIEF with three large developers who plan to build apartment buildings in the region with a total area of about 450 thousand square meters. m. The active development of housing construction in the region entails a high demand for appropriate personnel. And the opportunity to train specialists in the Murmansk region, rather than attract them from other regions, can not only help to cope with the current volume of construction, but also, perhaps, increase the pace in the future," said Alexey Grachikov, Minister of Construction of the Murmansk Region.

The main industrial partner of the Murmansk Educational Production and Construction Cluster is the Airplane Group of companies. The center will be established on the basis of the Murmansk Construction College named after N.E. Momot and will unite several organizations of secondary vocational education, as well as enterprises of the real sector of the economy. The creation of a construction cluster will provide an opportunity to train specialists for the industry, including scarce areas: an installer of frame and cladding structures, a rebarer, a UAV operator, a concreter, etc. Today, the need for such personnel is quite high. In 2025-2027, 900 people are planned to study under the program, at least 620 graduates will come to work for partner enterprises. Financing for the creation of the center will exceed 150 million rubles (funds from the federal and regional budgets, LLC "Airplane-region"), this will create new training areas and purchase equipment, including heavy machinery and UAVs. 

"The shortage of personnel in the construction sector persists. Especially in demand are skilled workers who are trained in colleges. The creation of a new educational cluster in Murmansk will allow us to increase human capital and improve the situation with human resources in a strategic region for us, where we will soon begin construction of a large-scale housing project. As a result, the regional economy will receive an additional impetus for development - new jobs with high wages will appear," said Alexander Prygunkov, Managing partner of the Aeroplane Group.

The educational and production center "Shipbuilding and Ship repair in the Arctic" will be created on the basis of the Murmansk Industrial College. Partner companies - Lavna Sea Trading Port LLC, Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center, JSC Northern Production Association Arctic. In three years, 750 people will be accepted for training within the framework of the project, 250 in 2025. Students will master the technology of mechanical engineering, welding production, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storages, shipbuilding and repair of metal vessels, more than 82% of graduates will be guaranteed employment. More than 150 million rubles have been allocated for the creation of the center "Shipbuilding and Ship Repair in the Arctic" (funds from the federal and regional budgets, LLC MTP Lavna), these funds will also be directed to the development of the material and technical base of colleges.

"By signing a partnership agreement within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism", we expect to achieve a synergistic effect: developing together with the college, we expect to receive highly qualified specialists who are able to match foreign ones when working on high-tech equipment that has no analogues in Russia. At the same time, business expectations are designed to develop the acquired competencies and the development of the industry as a whole," said Vladimir Malanin, Deputy General Director for Construction of MTP Lavna LLC.

The Murmansk Region is among the leaders in the implementation of the Professionalism program. In the region, with the support of Governor Andrei Chibis, the transformation of the education system at all levels continues. Cooperation between colleges and major enterprises allows us to increase human resources and expand opportunities for self–realization and career building for young Northerners, and a comprehensive program for the development of vocational education and training within the framework of the plan "In the North – to live" - to create comfortable conditions for students to study and live.

"Since 2022, the federal project "Professionalism" has included more than 90% of colleges in the region. The results of cooperation between educational organizations and enterprises of the Murmansk region are already yielding results today. Updating laboratories and training areas, the opportunity to practice with a future employer, the development of a mentoring system – all this allows graduates to come to production with confidence and build a successful career in their native region," Minister of Education and Science Diana Kuznetsova said at the signing of the agreements.

The admission campaign to colleges in the region continues: about 9 thousand applications have already been submitted for secondary vocational education programs, more than 2.6 thousand applications – within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism".

/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /