In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a traditional message to the Federal Assembly. The document outlined the main directions of the country's foreign and domestic policy and tasks for the next 6 years.
One of the priorities announced by the head of state was the Arctic zone of Russia. Vladimir Putin stressed that the development of the Northern Sea Route is in the area of special attention and noted the need to develop the Murmansk transport hub.
"It is especially significant for me that the President focused on the development of the Northern Sea Route, the Murmansk transport hub, and Arctic cities – this is his decision, which was made last July when he visited the Murmansk region. These are, among other things, master plans, which we are actively engaged in now, gasification," commented the Governor of the Murmansk Region Andrey Chibis on the results of the speech.
The Governor recalled that with the support of the President, a number of landmark projects are being implemented in the region. Among them, Andrei Chibis named the construction of a Center for large–capacity offshore structures - a unique production of floating gas liquefaction plants, which appeared in 5 years in Murmansk.
"Also, thanks to the support of the President, we have built a new railway to the western shore of the Kola Bay as part of the Murmansk transport hub development project. And at the end of last year, the labor movement was launched, the President gave it a start. Another landmark decision is the gasification of the Murmansk region – the President also mentioned this in today's message. For us, this is a strategic project, a priority that will change the quality of life of our people. We will move away from fuel oil, make heat cheaper, and most importantly, it will give a powerful impetus to the development of industry in the region. The raw materials that we produce today will be processed on the territory of our region. These are new jobs, taxes to our consolidated budget. And this project is ready for practical implementation," the governor listed.
The head of the region is confident that the set of solutions announced by Vladimir Putin will help move the Murmansk region forward.
"Thanks to the support of the President, today the Murmansk region is developing, cities and towns are being transformed, large-scale projects have been implemented. And the set of decisions made will give an impetus to the development of our country's outpost in the Arctic – the Murmansk region. The message is detailed, informative, aimed at what is in great demand in the regions, and especially in the regions of the Arctic zone. Thanks a lot to the President for this, including for supporting our initiatives. As part of the discussions in the Russian Government, proposals were made, it is important that they are heard and financial decisions are made on them. With the support of the President, we will actively implement and use new measures to develop the Murmansk region," the governor concluded.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /
Photo: kremlin.ru