ASI has opened the acceptance of applications for support of projects on innovative technologies for transport

ASI has opened the acceptance of applications for support of projects on innovative technologies for transport

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives announced the start of the selection of projects aimed at the introduction of innovative technologies for transport and the development of new types of mobility, which the Agency will support.

Applications are accepted until October 6 in 4 directions:

Transport infrastructure.

Digitalization of transport.

Technological equipment.

Human resources potential.

Denis Smolkov, director of the Center for Advanced Solutions, noted that the Agency is ready to support projects that will achieve the goals of the national projects "Safe high-quality Roads", "Efficient transport System" and "Infrastructure for Life".

"In his message to the Federal Assembly, which reflected the initiatives received at the forum "Strong Ideas for a New Time," President Vladimir Putin paid special attention to the renewal of public transport in the regions, while using modern environmental standards and technologies. As part of the selection, the Agency accepts for consideration projects that will become a reliable basis for solving the tasks of modernizing and updating transport infrastructure, increasing accessibility of territories, and digitalizing the industry. Each received project will receive a comprehensive expert assessment, and we will take the most promising ones for support and present them to representatives of regional and federal authorities for implementation and scaling," Denis Smolkov said.

The Agency is ready to support innovative solutions aimed at the development of various types of transport, including land, rail, water and air, including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Projects on the development of transport infrastructure, improvement of technological equipment of the complex, including digital technologies, as well as projects in the field of training qualified personnel and competence development are also being considered.

The Agency will assist the selected projects in promoting solutions in the Russian and foreign markets, searching for new industrial and industry partners and investors. If requested, the Agency will help in removing administrative barriers that impede the full-scale development of the project and the industry. Project leaders and teams will also be able to participate in acceleration programs, receive information support and participate in events of the Agency and partners.

Among the projects in the field of transport, the Agency has already supported a project for the production of electric shunting traction machines. They allow you to move objects weighing up to 250 tons. The equipment moves both on ordinary roads and on the railway track. The control takes place remotely. Traction machines make it possible to optimize shunting operations in areas where existing diesel traction is excessive or absent, as well as reduce the costs of factories for moving goods. At the moment, pilot tests of an electric shunting machine with a traction force of 250 tons have been carried out at the facilities of the Oktyabrskaya Railway – a branch of JSC Russian Railways. Last year, commercial deliveries of 2 units of equipment were carried out.

Another project supported by the Agency was the production of brushless motors for various industries. In them, the junction-collector node has been replaced by a semiconductor switch. Due to this, the engine has higher performance characteristics compared to asynchronous motors: higher power density, no rotating and switching contacts, high efficiency, reliable operation, lower electromagnetic noise, and ease of operation. Currently, 5 standard sizes of engines have been developed, which are used in the automotive and aviation industries, including for UAVs with a long flight duration. Up to 5,000 engines are produced per month, and expansion to 30,000 is planned in the future.

The Agency also provided support to INTELOGIS ILS logistics solutions. They allow you to manage transport logistics, optimize cargo delivery routes, improve the quality of service and control safe driving behavior. No special software or hardware installation is required to use the service. A large number of settings allows you to optimize the system to meet the requirements of a particular company in order to ensure maximum savings in delivery costs while maintaining the required level of service quality. The implementation of the solution allows you to reduce logistics costs by up to 20%. 

Photo – Agency for Strategic Initiatives

/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region based on the materials of the press service of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives /