The Russian Export Center has begun updating its plans for the coming years, synchronizing its own initiatives with the instructions of the Russian Government, as well as with the new reality in the field of export support that emerged in 2020. For this, entrepreneurs are invited to take part in a survey on export priorities.
The organizers want to take into account the opinion of as many respondents as possible - both experienced exporters and companies that only consider export as a business line.
“Otherwise, as it happens, the strategy may turn out to be closer to the needs of the most active players or reflect plans that are focused on the desired rather than the actual,” the organizers note.
You can take part in the survey by following the link.
The results will be taken into account in the updated Development Strategy for the REC Group until 2026, which is being formed in accordance with the roadmap for the coordination of development institutions VEB.RF, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 No. 3710-r.