Russian Senator Elena Diaghileva spoke at the conference "The Far East and the Arctic: Sustainable Development"

Russian Senator Elena Diaghileva spoke at the conference The Far East and the Arctic: Sustainable Development

On the eve of the International Arctic Forum, which will be hosted by the Murmansk Region on March 26-27, an international scientific and practical conference "The Far East and the Arctic: Sustainable Development" is being held in Moscow. Elena Diaghileva, Senator of the Russian Federation from the Murmansk Region, acted as an expert at a round table dedicated to innovations in technological, design and engineering solutions for the Arctic and the Far East.


"The 20th century has become a turning point in the development of the North: The rapid development of science and technology has made possible year-round navigation along the Northern Sea Route, the creation of the first drifting polar stations, and the foundation of polar cities and ports. The development of the Arctic, especially the development of the Northern Sea Route and the activities of industrial enterprises, both then and now directly depends on the creation of new technologies," Elena Diaghileva emphasized.


The senator noted that today The Arctic is once again becoming a territory of scientific discovery. In accordance with the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, in fact, the "redevelopment" of the macroregion is underway in order to make it habitable economically and infrastructurally socially. According to the parliamentarian, the achievement of the goal largely depends on the dialogue between the government, scientific organizations and enterprises. As an example of successful consolidation of forces, Elena Diaghileva cited the experience of the Murmansk Region, emphasizing the region's leading positions in terms of the number of employees who conduct research, the number of published results and the citation index of polar scientists.


"Using the example of the Murmansk Region, we can see the effect of combining efforts on the part of the state and business to jointly transform the education system at all levels, provide the Arctic with engineering and technical personnel and innovative solutions. Joint projects increase not only the productivity of companies, but also the quality of life in the North. In addition, cooperation with scientific institutions makes it possible to eliminate sanctions restrictions," Elena Diaghileva emphasized.

She spoke about the activities of the regional strategic plan "Live in the North!" aimed at building human and scientific potential, as well as cooperation between enterprises and polar scientists, focusing in detail on the successful project of the Kola NPP and the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the production of boric acid. As an example of the synergetic effect, the senator cited the opening of a research center in Apatity on the basis of the KSC RAS with the support of PhosAgro. The Center has strengthened the scientific potential of the region and helped attract young researchers from other regions to the Arctic.


"The creation of a new campus infrastructure of the Murmansk Arctic University branch in Apatity with a total investment of about 3 billion rubles is also an example of joint development of territories. The project will allow It will open new training areas, increase the number of budget places for full–time education and ensure an increase in the number of students," said Elena Diaghileva.

In addition, the report touched upon the transformation of the UIA into the center of Arctic competencies and scientific and technological development of the macroregion. The Priority 2030 program, the creation of a Ship Repair Engineering Development Center and a world–class campus in Murmansk are among the priority areas of work.

At the end of her speech, Elena Diaghileva reported on the need to create a cluster to unite science, government and business in order to ensure the security and development of the Arctic, contributing to the achievement of technological sovereignty of our country. The project to create such an object on the basis of the KSC RAS, by the decision of Governor Andrey Chibis, is reflected in the master plan of the flagship cities of the Murmansk region on the territory of Kirovsko-Apatitskaya agglomeration.

For reference:

The International Conference "Arctic: Sustainable Development" has been held since 2016 with the aim of stimulating scientific and technical support for development and innovation, creating favorable conditions for attracting investment, as well as implementing infrastructure development projects in the regions of the Far East and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The conference is traditionally organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. The conference brings together scientists, representatives of legislative and executive authorities, heads of enterprises and organizations, entrepreneurs and practitioners from various fields of professional activity in order to develop solutions to the most pressing issues of organizing advanced and sustainable development of the Far Eastern and Arctic regions of our country. Based on the results of the conference, a resolution will be prepared, which will be sent to the Government of the Russian Federation and relevant ministries and departments. The event is supported by the Roscongress Foundation.

/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region based on the materials of the scientific and practical conference "The Far East and the Arctic: Sustainable Development" /