On July 15 launched a program developed by the Ministry of economic development, providing for socially oriented non-profit organizations and small and medium-sized enterprise subsidies to ensure compliance with the recommendations of the CPS.The subsidy will be able to non-profit organizations operating in the field of education and entrepreneurs, included in the unified list classified ski slopes, beaches and hotels (number of rooms not exceeding 100 rooms) or operating (in the main NACE) in the field of sport, hospitality, catering, consumer services, dopobrazovaniya.
The subsidy amount will be calculated by the following formula:
- The company will receive the fixed payout is 15 thousand rubles, and for 6, 5 thousand rubles for each employee (according to data for may 2020);
- Individual entrepreneurs will receive 6.5 thousand rubles for each employee (according to data for may 2020) and 15 thousand rubles for the SP;
- Individual entrepreneurs with no employees will receive 15 thousand rubles for the entrepreneur.
The number of employees FNS will verify on the basis of the reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. For subsidies necessary from 15 July to 15 August 2020 (inclusive) to send the statement to the tax authority at the place of location of the organization or individual entrepreneurs, by mail or complete it on the website of the FTS of Russia. The statement must specify the account which will be allocated subsidies. The application will be processed within 3 working days. If all conditions are met, the FTS will calculate the subsidy, and the Federal Treasury will make a payment.
Source: gov-murman.ru