By resolution of the Board of Directors of JSC "Corporation of development of the Far East" in Murmansk established a subsidiary – LLC "UK "Capital of the Arctic", a co-founder of which was organized by JSC "Corporation of development of Murmansk region".
In the management of subsidiary companies of JSC "Corporation of development of the Far East" were transferred to the territory of priority development "Capital of the Arctic", which was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 656 of 12.05.2020 year. As a single centre for the provision of services the Corporation of development of the Far East, together with the regional public authorities a new management company will be to ensure timely resolution of issues residents and potential investors TOR.
"The management company "Capital of the Arctic", which was created by the government of the Murmansk region together with the development Corporation Far East, was to accompany the resident first Arctic TOR. The emergence of such an institution in the region is a whole new level for business development with all standards of the Federal Institute support, including information system single window for the investor and complete access to information about all possible measures to support business in the Arctic", – said the Governor of the Murmansk region Andrey Chibis.
Currently, the development Corporation Far East leads the selection of candidates for the position of Director of its subsidiaries in the Murmansk region. The winner will lead an organization that will provide operational management TOR the "Capital of the Arctic". The new management company will directly communicate with investors and to provide full support to the residents of TOR as a centre for the provision of services of the Corporation.
Until August 17, a special Commission will select the best candidates and determine the finalists selection to a vacant position on the basis of performance of practical exercises. Approval of the final candidate, the Committee for personnel and remuneration and Board of Directors of the Corporation of development of the Far East will hold until August 24.
"We are expanding regional network of subsidiaries, so that they are able to fulfill all the credentials for interaction with current residents and potential investors and comprehensive support for the implementation of each submitted project. A key feature of the new, eleventh, the management company, to set common standards for preferential regimes throughout the region and the protection of business interests. In progress is already a large-scale project on creation of the Center construction of large marine structures anchor resident – company "NOVATEK-Murmansk" and in the near future the number of investors will be increased", – said General Director of JSC "Corporation of development of the Far East" Dmitry Tatarkin.
Note that on 13 July the President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a package of Federal laws on the system of preferences in the Arctic. The Ministry of the Russian Federation on development of the Far East and the Arctic package includes Federal law "On state support of entrepreneurial activities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation" related to its adoption of amendments to part two of the Tax code of the Russian Federation and to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The package adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. With the adoption of the package of laws on the system of preferences of the Russian Arctic became the largest in Russia and the world economic zone with an area of almost 5 million square kilometers with a single set of preferences, surpassing the best European and Asian.
Oversee the management of the new preferential regime in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Ministry of Russia has instructed JSC "Corporation of development of the Far East". Accepting applications for receiving the status of resident Arctic zone starts from August 28. To claim this right can registered on the territory of the Arctic legal entity (individual entrepreneurs), planning the implementation of the investment project or the launch of a new economic activity with capital investment of not less than 1 million rubles.
For potential residents, according to the package of laws provides for a zero rate payable to the Federal budget of the profit tax within 10 years after first profit (for all activities except mining). Also introduced reduced up to 0%, the rates payable to the regional budget of income taxes, property, land, a reduction of up to 1% on a simplified tax system (the specific parameters of such benefits will be established by the regions after the entry into force of a package of Federal laws). Provides for the reimbursement of part of expenses for payment of insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds to the final rate of 7.6% for all activities except mining.
Residents of the Arctic zone will be available tax deduction of mineral extraction tax in the amount of infrastructure investments required for the development of new deposits of solid minerals (the degree of depletion of stocks should not exceed 0.01% by January 1, 2021), as well as investments in new processing and refining capacity. The laws provide for the establishment of a 0% VAT in relation to services, icebreaking, marine transportation and transhipment of export-oriented goods. In addition, it will be simplified a number of administrative procedures.
Source: minvr.gov.ru