A meeting of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov and Governor Andrey Chibis with representatives of the polar tourism industry took place in Kirovsk. As part of the event, Governor Andrey Chibis proposed to the head of the Ministry of Economic Development to reduce a number of criteria for supporting the tourist business in the Arctic zone of Russia.
The Head of the Murmansk Region thanked Maxim Reshetnikov and the team of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the cooperation and support received by the projects of the Kola Arctic. Recall that with the help of the federal budget, new hotels were opened in the region, among other things.
The Governor also drew attention to the fact that the regions of the Arctic zone should be treated in a special way.
"Our proposal is to soften a number of criteria for the regions of the Arctic zone, taking into account the specifics, namely the need to develop tourist infrastructure for local residents and create new jobs not in the industrial sector, which will make our economy more stable and independent from external factors. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development, with the Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, we will work on this issue, discuss it at a working group in the State Council for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation," Andrei Chibis said.
At the meeting, the business community was interested in various issues. The head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov answered each of them in detail, including talking about existing business support tools. He stressed that in tourism, in addition to interesting locations, comfortable living conditions, convenient and understandable logistics, and high-quality infrastructure are important.
"We need to develop new destinations – this applies to both summer and winter tourism. The first thing we focused on was the issue related to new places of accommodation – hotels and sanatoriums. Here we have two major major programs. These are modular hotels, the so-called glamping, and large stationary hotels, which form a new quality of the room stock. We have also laid a completely new direction – these are large children's amusement parks and ski resorts. Starting next year, the four areas of subsidies will be combined into a "single subsidy", which we give to the regions, and the regions themselves will determine where to invest. The money will be distributed between the regions based on the existing tourist potential and the application for its growth," Maxim Reshetnikov stressed.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /