The Know Ours competition for Growing Russian Brands, organized on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Roscongress Foundation, has significantly increased the number of nominations this year. New partners from among the largest Russian brands joined the project.
There are 5 main nominations in the Competition: "Food products", "Consumer Goods", "Information Technology", "High Technology" and "Creative Industries" and 18 industry categories. Among the new products are "Beauty and Health", "Animation", "Sports" and even "Alcoholic beverages". Such well-known brands as Soyuzmultfilm, VK Cloud, Simple, Novikov Group, Zasport and others expressed their intention to support the Competition and its participants this season. They have established special prizes for the winners.
Thus, companies that have time to apply before January 15 have the opportunity not only to win in one of the main nominations, but also to receive special awards from the partners of the Competition. In addition, the organizers will also encourage regions that actively support local brands.
"This year we have retained the five main nominations, but added new directions and expanded the partner network, thereby creating several more fields where the competition can be held. There will be cool new prizes for the winners. For example, the launch of a brand training program in the creative industries and other interesting formats. The rules of participation in the competition are transparent and democratic, we welcome and wait for everyone who fits the criteria," said Mikhail Khomich, Director of ASI Special Projects.
The participants of the Competition can be representatives of small and medium-sized businesses whose companies demonstrate stable growth rates and a high degree of localization of production (at least 30%) in their native region. The candidates' social projects are also taken into account. The best brands receive help in promotion on the largest marketplaces, retail chains and leading media.
Applications can be submitted by January 15 on the crowd platform via the link. The winners will be determined at the end of February based on a consolidated expert assessment by the jury, which includes representatives of the Competition partners, regions of the Russian Federation and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI).
The participants of the first Competition were 5,000 brands from different regions of the Russian Federation. The most popular nominations last year were "Food" and "Consumer Goods". The second Competition started at the end of November 2023, with more than 30 companies, government agencies and development institutions acting as partners.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk region according to the press service of the All-Russian competition "Know our people" /