The 177th resident of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation from the Murmansk region has been registered. It became a special project company ATLAS-Lovozero LLC, created by the Murmansk Region Development Corporation and Ivekta-Group LLC for the joint implementation of a project to create a roadside service complex in Lovozero.
The main purpose of the investment project in Lovozera is to create a complex of roadside service "ATLAS", which includes a modular gas station, an electric charging station for electric vehicles and a cafe. Also, within the framework of the project, a platform will be set up to accommodate related services for car owners. The volume of investments in the project will amount to about 30 million rubles, a total of 6 new jobs will be created.
The joint investment project of the Murmansk Region Development Corporation and Ivekta-Group LLC is being implemented under the project financing system within the framework of the Strategic Plan "To live in the North!". The roadside complex will be located at the entrance to the village of Lovozero, it is planned that it will be ready to receive the first visitors in the second half of 2023. However, the terms of commissioning of the facility can be adjusted based on the results of engineering surveys and obtaining the conditions of technological connection.
Earlier, a resident of the Russian Arctic, the company Ivekta–Group LLC, under an agreement with the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic (KRDV), successfully implemented a project to build a modern gas station complex with an electric charging station in the Pechenga district. In total, 526 projects with a total investment of more than 800 billion rubles are being implemented in the Russian Arctic with the help of the Arctic benefits package.
Recall that for investors of the world's largest preferential territory – the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation – comfortable conditions have been created for the implementation of business ideas. Taxes on property, land and profits have been reset for 5 years, subsidies for 75% of the volume of insurance premiums for newly created jobs have been in effect for 10 years, benefits for mineral extraction tax in the amount of 0.5 of the current rate for solid minerals for new deposits. The process of obtaining the status of a resident of the Russian Arctic is simplified as much as possible, you can apply on the Arctic Russia portal.
/ Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region according to the Murmansk Region Development Corporation /