Throughout its thousand-year history, Russia has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to revive and multiply its greatness. All this is due to the fact that every time an irresistible force rose up against the invaders – the Russian people themselves.
Just a week ago we celebrated the 78th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops in the Arctic. The feat of the defenders of Murmansk, like nothing else, demonstrates the greatness of the spirit and the community of thoughts of our people, united by love for the Motherland and a sense of duty.
Russian Russians are fighting the heirs of Nazism in Ukraine today, fighting for the Russian lands and the Russian language.
Behind us stands our great history, the heroism of our ancestors, the legacy of our geniuses, the prayers of our saints and the righteous. And the main thing is that the truth is behind us, and we are united. And this means that victory is inevitable.
Happy holidays to you, dear Northerners! I wish you good health and a peaceful sky!