In the Murmansk Region, subsidies will be provided for the implementation of tourism projects: state support can be obtained based on the results of a competition held by the regional tourism committee.
Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in activities in the field of domestic and inbound tourism are invited to participate. Applications are accepted from June 29 to August 6, 2021 inclusive. Detailed terms of participation are available on the official website of the Committee for Tourism of the Murmansk Region at the https://tourism.gov-murman.ru/documents/gospodderzhka/.
Up to 1 million rubles can be received in the "Infrastructure projects" nomination – for the creation and arrangement of hotel, tourist and recreational complexes, roadside and other tourist infrastructure facilities.
The subsidy in the nomination "Related equipment for the organization of tourist activities" is up to 500 thousand rubles. It can be spent on the purchase of equipment and other property for the organization of activities in the field of domestic and inbound tourism in the Murmansk region.
Participants can get consultations on the preparation of documents in the department of implementation of state programs and state support of subjects of the tourism industry by calling 8 (8152) 486-490, 486-917, or by writing to e-mail kosheleva@gov-murman.ru, sadkova@gov-murman.ru.
/ Committee for Tourism of the Murmansk Region /