The Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Murmansk region announces the acceptance of applications for the regional competition "Young Entrepreneur of the Year".
Bright and ambitious representatives of the youth of the region who want to express themselves, get business support and acquire new business connections are invited to participate.
Northerners from 16 to 35 years old (inclusive) who are registered and engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the Murmansk Region can apply.
The competition is held in seven categories:
"Service sector";
"Innovative entrepreneurship";
"Entrepreneurship in the social sphere";
Participation is free. You can apply by November 30 at the email address: info@cppmo.ru , in the subject of the letter, specify "Application for the MP competition".
For more information, please contact the Business Support Center of the Murmansk Region by phone: 8 (8152) 41-07-44.
The event is organized by the Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Murmansk Region in cooperation with the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region and is implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative.
/ Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region according to the Murmansk Region Entrepreneurship Support Center /